
Blazing Bows on Discovery Stage at the Old Settlers Music Festival |
Schedule: (2011 schedule under construction)
October 27, 2007 -- Renaissance Retirement Village (11279 Taylor Draper Lane) -- 3pm -- The
Blazing Bows will bring their Halloween show to the residents of the Renaissance.
November 3, 2007 -- Gullett Elementary School Fall Carnival (96310 Treadwell Blvd.) -- 2pm (1/2
hour show) -- The Blazing Bows will bring their Halloween show to the school's Fall Carnival.
December 7, 2007 -- Mary Lee Foundation (activity room) -- 6:30pm. -- Mary and the Blazing Bows will present their annual Christmas show for the residents and parents and
all at the Mary Lee Foundation. The Mary Lee Foundation is located at 1339 Lamar Square Drive, Austin, Tx. 78704. (Note to 'Bows': Be there at least 30 minutes early.)
June 28, 2008 -- Threadgills (north) -- 8pm. -- Mary and the 'Bows will front the famous Greezy Wheels in this historic Austin restaurant. Come
and see two great shows.
July 16, 2008 -- Broken Spoke (S. Lamar Blvd., several blocks north of Ben White) -- 8pm to 9pm -- Mary and her Blazing Bows will do
a very special show, complete with special features.
October 4, 2008 -- Pioneer Farms -- 1pm. -- Mary and the 'Bows will gather at Pioneer Farms for a special fall appearance. At Pioneer Farms, time stopped around the turn of the 20th century. It is a wonderful
place for family outings and an opportunity to see what life was like in the Victorian age (animals, crafts, wagon rides,
and more).
Blazing Bows at Pioneer Farms (2005) |

The 'Bows play music for the Farms' May Day Celebration. |
Blazing Bows at Pioneer Farms (2005) |

The 'Bows provide music for the Farms' May Pole dancers. |
Mary Hattersley
blazingbows (at) lycos.com
[Replace the "(at)" with "@" for the email address.]

Mary Hattersley's Blazing Bows